• Hakodate

Hakodate Beer

The first local beer from Hakodate, from a factory with a restaurant

This was Hakodate’s first craft beer brewery, established in 1996.

Only the best hops, malt, yeast and water are used—the water is drawn from natural groundwater under Mt. Hakodate every morning. This is also the only local beer brewery in Hakodate to have its own restaurant—enjoy fresh Hakodate Beer with local seafood and other Hokkaido ingredients as you admire the tanks your beer comes from.

Shacho No Yoku Nomu Beer


Characteristics  A rich taste reminiscent of brandy
Alcohol content (%): 10

Delicious talk
from Rui Yamata's

Shacho No Yoku Nomu Beer
Like a lover that goes to any lengths to be your number one

Shacho No Yoku Nomu Beer, A Beer That Company Presidents Often Drink. What a name!
It made me wonder what kind of beer company presidents do drink.
This has a rich, bold mouthfeel and a higher alcohol content than most. It's almost too mature to be beer; it makes me think of brandy.
This is something a company president would drink! (laughs)
It goes with homemade sausages, dishes like raclette, egg dishes, and like brandy and whiskey, it's great with chocolate too.
Mmmmm, so good.

DJ Yamata, FM North Wave
Head of Publicity Department, Pashuport
Hakodate Beer
Online Store