• Otaru

Otaru Winery Beer

An authentic Hokkaido beer made by a German method with winemaking technology

Otaru Winery Beer is a craft beer brand started by Hokkaido Wine in 1997. The company combines its winemaking technology with a classic German beer brewing method. Otaru Sansui, a natural groundwater source, is drawn from 130m below Mt. Kenashi in Otaru City, where the brewery is located. Pure malt is used, with no secondary ingredients. The brand features a range of unique products, including happoshu (low-malt beer) made with Niagara grapes.ワインの醸造技術を活かしながら、本格的なドイツ製法で製造を行っています。工場のある小樽市「毛無山」の地下130mから汲み上げた「おたる山水」と呼ばれる天然の地下水を使用し、副原料を一切使用しない麦芽100%の地ビールに仕上げています。また、ナイアガラ葡萄を使用した発泡酒など個性豊かな製品が揃っています。

Tenshi no Shizuku Niagara


Characteristics Happoshu (low-malt beer) with the fruity taste of Hokkaido Niagara grapes.
Alcohol content (%): 5

Delicious talk
from Mama Heidi's

Tenshi no Shizuku Niagara
I've found a beer that has it all ♡

It's wine...but it's beer...but it's champagne...but more beer than wine!
The aroma and the first taste on your tongue are sweet and soft, but it's crisp with a bold mouthfeel. This beer has it all.
It's so good that I wish I'd known about it before.
I'm in love ♡ (not literally, but you know what I mean.)
When I feel like Italian, my usual beer doesn't quite fit and I find myself opening some wine instead, but this beer would go perfectly with a good Italian meal!
This is the best fruity beer I've ever had.
I recommend this to any girls who come into my snack bar.
Has there been a buzz about this before?
I want to start one!

DJ Heidi, FM North Wave
Head of Publicity Department, Pashuport
Otaru Winery Beer
Online Store



Made with Otaru Sansui groundwater

Otaru Winery Beer is made with Otaru Sansui, a natural groundwater source from Mt. Kenashi. No secondary ingredients are added to the malt, and the yeast is unfiltered with no heat treatment.


A traditional German brewing method

These beers are brewed from barley, hops and water only, according to a traditional German method.


Beer made with the fermentation technology used for wine

Otaru Winery took its business in a new direction in 1997, brewing beer with the same fermentation technology used in the company’s winemaking process.


Company Name おたるワイナリービール(北海道ワイン 株式会社)
Address 小樽市朝里川温泉1-130
Phone 0134-34-2181
Hours 9:00〜17:00
Closed 年末年始
Parking あり